Det gik i roligt tempo (25 km/t) ud af Gyldenstensvej og snakken gik om den dejlige tur vi havde i l?rdags til Aa Strand og al den dejlige mad. Der gik dog ikke l?nge f?r tempoet blev sat op. De fleste havde vist sparet noget krudt sammen som de skulle ... Ud mod Nr. H?jrup gik det med +34. Op over Skamby gennem Stenstrup og bag om S?nders? gennem S?nders? Skov. Over 32 i gennemsnit indtil nu. Fortsatte ned over R?de M?lle og ramte bakkeren i Langes?. Stadig i h?jt tempo. ...
(Hfq) is a hexameric phylogenetically conserved small bacterial RNA-binding protein that belongs to the Sm-protein superfamily (M?ller et al., 2002 [M?ller, T., Franch, T., H?jrup, P., .... The initial model, which was composed of two hexamers in the unit cell, was refined in REFMAC (Murshudov et al., 2011 [Murshudov, G. N., Skubák, P., Lebedev, A. A., Pannu, ), initially with noncrystallographic symmetry (NCS) restraints for the regions consisting of amino acids 7-45 and ...
Cordwell, SJ, Wilkins, MR, Cerpa-Poljak, A., Gooley, AA, Duncan, M., Williams, KL, and Humphery-Smith, I. (1995). Cross-species identification of proteins separated by two-dimensional eletrophoresis using matrix-assisted laser desorption ... Papin, DJC, Hojrup, P., and Bleasby, AJ (1993). Rapid identification of proteins by peptide-mass fingeprinting. Curr. Biol. 3, 327-332. Pauling, L., and Corey, RB (1951). The structure of proteins: Tow hydrogen-bonded helical ...